Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Blog Assignment Eight

This Is How We Dream Parts 1 & 2

This was a very informational video. It shows that books are both online and in print. Mr. Miller was able to complete a writing assignment without ever going to a library. This is not surprising to me but to those who are used to having to search for material manually in a library it may take some getting used to. He continued to talk about how some documents are both written and online. That things in print will eventually make its way online and how some online things are or are not in print. He continues to say that this is "a incremental change not a fundamental change."

He talks about working with a digital environment. Online research is more visual and up to date. Information is more availability. I agree with him when he states that educators must be willing to share ideas freely. I believe that this could not have been better said. Ideas are normally not original. He dreams of a future with an educational system with students using digital tools for school work. He understands the boundaries that are being faced with that today but he has hopes that those problems will be overcome.

Yes, I am prepared to write with multimedia. I believe that this is something that future teachers must be prepared to do this. With help students should be able to write like this. Students now are using word programs and maybe even pen and paper. They had to be taught to do this, therefore they can be taught to write using multimedia.

EDM 310 is Different
The Chipper Series and EDM 310

I think that the main point from the Chipper Series would be to do work on time. This is a important tool for all students. This may be even more important for us, future teachers. The EDM 310 for Dummies was a great video! It really made a class assignment fun to complete an fun to watch. I hope to incorporate some of some ideas from these videos into my future EDM 310 video.

Smart Boards

The first critique of smart board had some valid points. I am pro smart board! The critique seemed a bit one sided. Although lessons are the same smart boards allow teachers to be more interactive. If a teacher has a smart board in their room why would they not use it? Teachers do not have to depend on and teach only from smart boards. The second critique. So this blogger had a more put together argument. I can see why they do not care for smart boards. I am slightly beginning to lean to this side. (Will not decide until I have time to actually teach with one.) He points out that schools but these and then show them off like things have already been accomplished. When in all actuality you are able to do just as much with computer software. Both of these arguments have good points.


  1. "Yes, I am prepared to write with multimedia." Good! You'll have that opportunity in Project 15.

    Glad you liked the EDM310 videos!

    So we wait for a decision. Not inappropriate at all!

  2. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I also agree, I thought the videos were original and very true. Also, I like the idea of smartboards. It was nice to see the opinions from both sides, though.

  3. I agree. The "How We Dream" videos were very informative. I think that being able to write with multimedia is important, especially with the way everything is changing. I enjoyed reading the critiques of SmartBoards, but I still think that they are a great tool to have in the classroom. The teacher that we interviewed for our podcast project said that participation from her students has greatly increased since she started using the SmartBoard.
