Monday, November 15, 2010

Blog Assignment Ten

pack of pencils

An Open Letter to Educators

This was another interesting reading assignment. I can understand how both the author and video maker feel. Sometimes feeling cheated at University is all to common. The difference in EDM 310 and my other classes is unreal. Although not all professors fall into the boring lecture category, some do. My overall experience in college has been a good one. I feel that most classes could be improved if professors were REQUIRED to take EDM 310!!! The use  of technology would greatly improve the college experience for most students.

Don't Let Them Take The Pencils Home

Yet again another great blog! At first I was confused, but with a little thinking I could understand that the pencils were not really pencils at all. This is a good example of finding a solution to a problem. The fact that the pencils were in fact computers made this blog pertinent to our class.

Two Questions That Can Change Your Life

Whats my sentence?  Was I better today than yesterday? These are two questions that require some thought. Not only are these good things to think about as teachers but they are great things to think about as people. What will we be remembered as. Did you treat someone well today? My sentence would be, someone who offered a smile and an open ear but never advice.

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