Monday, November 15, 2010
Progress Report on Final Project
On my final project I admit that I have fallen far behind. I do not a partner and I have not started thinking about ideas. Hopefully I will find a partner by the end of the week.
Blog Assignment Twelve
Blog Assignment Twelve
1. Wacth a youtube video of your choice. (within reason)
2. Look for ideas about the use of technology in that video (sound, images, scripts...) look for ideas that you might use in making your own youtube video in yor future classroom.
3. In your blog share at least two ideas that you might use in the future.
4. Include the video in your blog.
The video I chose was, Alejandro - Lady Gaga Parody ( Jalapeño ). Some of the ideas that I might use would be making a parody in class. Of course this parody would be somewhat educational! We could pick a song or maybe a commercial and creatively turn the words into a parody. My second idea would be actually recording this video and have the class edit it. This would encourage learning in many different areas.
1. Wacth a youtube video of your choice. (within reason)
2. Look for ideas about the use of technology in that video (sound, images, scripts...) look for ideas that you might use in making your own youtube video in yor future classroom.
3. In your blog share at least two ideas that you might use in the future.
4. Include the video in your blog.
The video I chose was, Alejandro - Lady Gaga Parody ( Jalapeño ). Some of the ideas that I might use would be making a parody in class. Of course this parody would be somewhat educational! We could pick a song or maybe a commercial and creatively turn the words into a parody. My second idea would be actually recording this video and have the class edit it. This would encourage learning in many different areas.
Summary Post C4K 3-7

Summary Post C4T Teacher #3
For this I was assigned to comment on Joe Dale's blog. His first post was about the language olympics. This was an online competition. It was very informative about what exactly the language olympics were. In my comment I was sure to thank him for his blog. The second post that I commented on was about a presentation he had given on the importance if PLNs. It was a interesting presentation! In my comment I thanked him for sharing his presentation and opinion.
Blog Assignment Eleven
The use of technology in this elemenary school classroom is amazing! The students knew all about bolgs and wikis! They seemed to really enjoy this type of learning. Her approach of using technology made it seem more enjoyable instead of busy work. I believe that some of the students would not think of this as learning but as fun! Some of her techniques I might use are to incorporate devices that students already use into learnng. This class was using and learning on their Nintendo DS! I believe that the benefits would really out weigh the negatives. This type of teaching would really improve students learning. One thing that might get in the way of this is the money to buy the supplies. I do not think that asking for 30 Nintendo DS per classroom would be granted. One way about going around this would be have fewer DS's and have students working on different activities so the DS's can be shared.
Blog Assignment Ten
An Open Letter to Educators
This was another interesting reading assignment. I can understand how both the author and video maker feel. Sometimes feeling cheated at University is all to common. The difference in EDM 310 and my other classes is unreal. Although not all professors fall into the boring lecture category, some do. My overall experience in college has been a good one. I feel that most classes could be improved if professors were REQUIRED to take EDM 310!!! The use of technology would greatly improve the college experience for most students.
Don't Let Them Take The Pencils Home
Yet again another great blog! At first I was confused, but with a little thinking I could understand that the pencils were not really pencils at all. This is a good example of finding a solution to a problem. The fact that the pencils were in fact computers made this blog pertinent to our class.
Two Questions That Can Change Your Life
Whats my sentence? Was I better today than yesterday? These are two questions that require some thought. Not only are these good things to think about as teachers but they are great things to think about as people. What will we be remembered as. Did you treat someone well today? My sentence would be, someone who offered a smile and an open ear but never advice.
Blog Assignment Nine

"What I've Learned This Year"
This was one incredible blog post! I was very interested in reading, glad that this was part of our assignment. He told of the struggles that he faced his first year teaching. I believe that these are probably pretty common and therefore very appreciated. The one comment that really stuck out to me was about how teaching is not about you, the teacher. I could not agree more! Another point that I found interesting was that there is no such thing as a perfect lesson plan. Hopefully I will remember this in the future and save myself a few headaches!
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